I have thought about these subjects deeply. One thing I have been thinking is that Property Rights essentially do not exist in any meaningful fashion without Government. And Government costs money (i.e. taxes). How else could we fund Government? Or can property rights be enforced without it (if so, could that be worse)?

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Property is natural. You know what's yours. I know what's mine. Where the trouble arises is when someone isn't clear on those lines or doesn't care. Then, we turn somewhere. You can call it government. But what it really is a set of services, and they can be offered in ways other than by a State - a ruling entity that claims both the moral authority and an exclusive monopoly on the initiation of force over a given region. One can be pro-governance but anti-State.

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Thanks. I was struggling with this question. I even thought "There were no original owners, therefore no one to buy from, therefore private property is theft". Like, say the ice caps melt, who owns Antarctica? Who decides how it gets used? Similar questions for Mars or the Moon. Or "How far down do you own?"

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Please reach out to me through my other organization to arrange the details: PressRoom@DownsizeDC.org

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