Leading the way out of the Conflict Machine and into a culture of Human Respect.

Politicians and the mainstream media manipulate Americans, generating conflict for power and profit. The Exit Network will use media and social tools to lead the American people out of this Conflict Machine and into a culture of Human Respect.

The Conflict Machine is our problem, and Human Respect is your solution

We exist to promote the Philosophy of Human Respect. This philosophy is based on an observable, repeatable principle that explains a cause-and-effect relationship like gravity does. That principle is that every time a peaceful person experiences violence or theft against their person or property, their happiness declines. Always and again, like gravity.

The Conflict Machine is a more graphic term for our politics that describes the process where Americans are drawn into partisan teams. This system requires losers. Of course, the losers experience decreased happiness. As a result, resentment builds and social harmony declines.

The way out of the Conflict Machine is Human Respect. The Exit Network points out the problems caused by the Conflict Machine and shows people a path out of the machine by the application of Human Respect.

Subscribe to The Exit Network

Leading the way out of the Conflict Machine and into a culture of Human Respect.


You'll see right through the Conflict Machine, then help others escape it.